Don't "Photo-Copy" Your Next Painting-Updated for 2019

Don't "Photo-Copy" Your Next Painting-Updated for 2019

As artists we sometimes get into a rut using photographs from which to create our work. Photographs are easy because the image they contain is right in front of us. I find that nearly all beginning students completely rely on the image in the photograph as their composition - this is what I refer to as "photo-copying". This is not necessarily their fault because no one has ever taught them about the principles of design and how to utilize those principles to develop a composition. The design of the painting is really more important than the production quality of the finished work. The design is as much the "art" of a piece as the production.

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Structure and Spontaneity for the Artist

Structure and Spontaneity for the Artist

The concept of Structure and Spontaneity is something I have talked about before: other posts in this blog, in talks to art groups, and in my abstract painting workshops. It is one of three main concepts that inform how I paint. The other two concepts being Bigger, Faster, Fresher, Looser and Paint First, Then Think.

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Don't Paint From Photographs

Don't Paint From Photographs

Painting from photographs is a very bad habit that many amateur painters and students consistently utilize to make paintings. Photographs can be used effectively as reference material for paintings, however what I see and hear from most of my painting students is that they replicate the photograph completely without first organizing a separate painting composition or value study.

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Abstract Painting Academy is Now Live

Abstract Painting Academy is Now Live

Abstract Painting Academy is an online version of David's wildly popular Bigger, Faster, Fresher, Looser Abstract Painting Workshops. This online workshop is specifically designed for those who, for whatever reason, cannot attend one of David's live workshop events. The in-depth content is the same that he teaches to hundreds of students in live workshop events all across the country each year.

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What's In A Painting Signature

What's In A Painting Signature

My painting signature, which is not to be confused with my cursive handwriting signature, has evolved only slightly over my 24 years of painting. Early on I did not exaggerate the two "S"'s, or run the end of the "R" off the edge of the piece. Other than that it is nearly the same. Why would I not want my signature to change you ask? 

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