What Will You Do in 2017?

"Morning" 30x30 Acrylic on Canvas

"Morning" 30x30 Acrylic on Canvas

What Will You Do in 2017?

What will you do in this New Year?

  • Will you finally decide to leave that job you hate at the cube farm and strike out on your own, opting for freedom and independence over limitation and dependence?
  • Will you decide to find and live out your purpose in life?
  • Will you learn something new?
  • Will you take that trip you have always wanted to take?
  • Will you learn to paint?
  • Will you decide to make a difference in your life and the lives of others?
  • Will you decide for the first time to just be YOU?

It really doesn't matter what you decide to do. Just do something important to you, then commit to it. What I have found is that once you make the commitment, the Universe says, "Look, Dave has decided to really commit to this venture, let's support him." Providence, if you want to call it that, intervenes and begins to open doors that you didn't even know existed. That is exactly what happened to me when I decided to pursue an art career after nearly 30 years as an architect. I could never have imagined the doors that would open in response to my decision, and I have never been happier.

What I have found is that for the Universe to fully assist, you have to be fully committed - you have to be all-in. So often we aren't all-in on the things we want to do and end up not fulfilling our ambitions. What I like to do is make a list of accomplishments at the end of the year as a way to assess what I've done in preparation for where I want to go in the coming year. This helps provide a base of confidence to move forward with new ambitions. Hey, it is also good to pat yourself on the back a bit - after all, who else is going to do it? :)

One of the greatest joys of being an instructor is to watch students be all-in during the course of a workshop, and then see how that commitment pays off in the lessons they learn and are able to implement in their work. I absolutely love to watch students create new things. I usually can't wait to get to a workshop to see what happens. I think I get more excited than the students because I can't wait to see what they do.

Go ahead. Jump In. Do something you have always wanted to do. Then share it with the rest of us, so that we can gain confidence to do what we want to do.

I have faith that whatever you decide to commit to this year, you will successfully make it happen. And just like with my students, I cannot wait to see what YOU do!

Blessings for a Wonderful New Year!


PS. Don't be afraid to be you in 2017. The world needs you - because there is no one else like you! Don't be afraid to share the real you with the rest of us.