The Top 5 Habits of Successful Artists

The Top 5 Habits of Successful Artists

I am fortunate to know many great artists, most of them are painters. I have learned many things from them over the years by talking to them, spending time with them and watching carefully what they do and how they do it. Based on the information I have gained, I have narrowed down the top 5 habits each of them have in common:

  1. They Know and Can Implement Design Fundamentals. The best artists know the fundamentals. They have implemented them for so many years they are second nature, applied unconsciously to the work. Beginning artists want to skip this most important part of being an artist and immediately begin learning “techniques” because it’s “more fun.” Learning the fundamentals is the basis for all art making - you are teaching yourself how to fish. Learning techniques is simply being fed fish when you are hungry.

  2. They Have Honed Their Skills Over Many Years. There is no secret handshake or password to becoming a better artist. Everyone wants the easy way. The fact is it takes years (decades) to become really good at making good art. You cannot be afraid of slow growth. Embrace the journey and continually strive to get better.

  3. They Utilize a Studio Process to Create Work. The best artists have a studio process that they follow to make their work. Having a consistent process in place assures that what comes out of your studio will be consistent as well (see #4). A consistent process keeps you from worrying about the small stuff (now where did that paint tube go?) so that you can concentrate on the big stuff - which is making the best art you can make. A studio process does not promote rigidity or conformity, but rather fosters creativity and contributes to being a looser painter.

  4. They Create Consistent Work. The consistent studio process provides the artist with consistent results. The single most important attribute of a successful artist is the ability to create consistent work that is tied together with a common thread that runs through the work. This is the one attribute missing from nearly every amateur painter. Consistent work will get you into shows, will get you solo shows and will get you into galleries.

    A few year ago I was at one of the major Atlanta galleries and spent a long time talking with the sales staff and gallery director. They said they are constantly looking for young talent, but said they have a very difficult time because the young artists DO NOT HAVE ANY CONSISTENCY IN THEIR WORK. They are all over the place with their work. Galleries must have artists with consistent work so that they can build a client base around the artist’s work. This came directly from one of the best galleries in the US.

  5. They Continually Create Lots of New Work. Successful artists are continually creating new work. They don’t take off months and months between paintings. They are painting every week, some everyday. Many successful artists will create 60-150 paintings a year.

There you have it, my top 5 list. Is there anything you can add to this list that you think is missing? Should I have done a top 10 list? Let me know what you think.

If you'd like to learn about abstract painting, then please join me for a painting workshop: (You can view a list of 2020 workshops HERE)

  • November 4-6 David M. Kessler Fine Art Studio, Winston-Salem, NC. For information and Registration Click Here. I had a cancellation - so 1 Seat is Now Available!

  • November 16-17 Art of the Carolinas, Raleigh, NC-Sponsored by Jerry’s Artarama. For information and registration Click Here. My Saturday workshop is sold out, but there are still a few seats remaining in the Sunday (Nov. 17) workshop. They are going fast so sign up soon!

  • January 9-11, 2020 Arts Alliance of Lee County, Ft. Myers, FL. For information and registration Click Here.

  • January 22-24, 2020 David M. Kessler Fine Art Studio, Winston-Salem, NC. For information and registration, Click Here. Sold Out!

  • February 1-2, 2020 Lighthouse Art Center, Tequesta, FL. Contact Holly Gizzi:.Email:

  • February 19-21 Gadsden Art Center, Quincy, FL. Contact Anissa Ford. Email:

    As always, thanks for your support!


P.S. If you you'd like to learn more about Color and how to use it in paintings, I have a great course called All About Color available for you:

ALL ABOUT COLOR is an online course that will show you a straightforward, no nonsense, clear and easily understandable approach to using harmonious color in your paintings.

Introductory Price for a Limited Time!

Click Here to Learn More


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