Acrylic Brush Care

Acrylic Brush Care

I have been asked many times to do a video on brush care, so here we go. We usually think that brush care begins after a painting is complete and as brushes are about to be cleaned and stored. I believe brush care begins before we begin painting, as we are setting up to paint.

For me, having a clean brush for each color is the best way to prevent my paintings from getting muddy. To have a clean brush means that proper cleaning during the painting process is critical. Lots of folks fill a large water bucket all the way to the top….

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Not All Parts of a Painting are Equal

Not All Parts of a Painting are Equal

I see abstract paintings on a regular basis where the entire surface is a smothered with marks in a claustrophobic attempt to animate every square inch of the surface. In this case, nothing is special and all parts are equal. If nothing is more important than another, then there is no contrast. Contrast leads to interest and engagement, lack of contrast leads to boredom.

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How Do You Know When Your Painting is Finished?

How Do You Know When Your Painting is Finished?

This is the question I receive most often from the general public at art shows and from students in workshops. The general public asking the question I can understand, because abstract painting is not copying a photo. Obviously if you're copying a photo, it's finished when it looks like the photo (according to John Q. Public). I just have a hard time understanding why an artist would ask when do you know if it's finished. 

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5 Artist Mistakes (That You Shouldn't Make)

5 Artist Mistakes (That You Shouldn't Make)

Here are 5 mistakes I see amateur artists make all the time. In an effort to educate everyone on some of the common issues I see, here they are:

1. Using Cheap Paint. Lots of cheap artists use cheap paint. If you're on a fixed income and cannot afford artist quality paint, I understand. If that's not the case however, you should use the best paint that you can afford. Many of you buy what's on sale at the local big box store…

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Artists, Embrace the Suck

Artists, Embrace the Suck

Although you are watching this video in August, It was recorded just after July 4, which is Independence Day in the US. Independence Day always has me thinking of, and thanking those in our military who have served and do serve. My Dad served in the Air Force, my father-in-law served in the Army and my sister's husband served in the Navy. I am proud of these men and all others who work to defend our country. I was talking recently to a buddy of mine who served in the Marines. He told me during both basic training and his more advanced training, their mantra was "Embrace the Suck."

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